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DoubleTime Support Center > FAQ > Settlement Statements Module > 14.17 How do I reflect a charge for the seller on a specific line in the GFE HUD?

14.17 How do I reflect a charge for the seller on a specific line in the GFE HUD?

  1. Highlight the specific line on the GFE HUD
  2. Change the field labeled GFE tolerance located at the bottom (left) of the window
  3. Toggle between the options listed in the dropdown to determine which setting allows you to show the charge on the sellers’ side. As you toggle through the options you will either see the charge carry over to the sellers’ side (from the buyers) or a line on the sellers' side will become available for you to enter the charge amount

  1. Highlight the specific line on the GFE HUD
  2. Change the field labeled GFE tolerance located at the bottom (left) of the window
  3. Toggle between the options listed in the dropdown to determine which setting allows you to show the charge on the sellers’ side. As you toggle through the options you will either see the charge carry over to the sellers’ side (from the buyers) or a line on the sellers' side will become available for you to enter the charge amount