10 Years After: A Refreshed Look at Best Practices

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10 Years After: A Refreshed Look at Best Practices

ALTA’s Best Practices have been around for 10 years. Yes it has been that long. The Fund began developing programs to help members draft their own Best Practice manuals since then. As ALTA has made changes, innovative programs and articles have kept our members informed. In 2023, lenders are still asking for self-certifications or for copies of part or all of settlement agent’s Best Practices manuals. This program will help you keep abreast of the most current changes of ALTA’s Best Practices.
This two and one-half hour, intermediate-level program reviews the background and basic information behind ALTAs seven Pillars, taking special note of the most recent changes ALTA has made to the seven pillars.  Hour one of the program will review the background and basic information of ALTA’s Best Practices. The program will then look at pillar 1 licensing and pillar 6 professional liability insurance.  Part two continues in the second hour with a review of pillar 5 title policy procedures, and pillar 3 privacy and information security, which includes non-public personal information and disaster preparedness. Finally, part two wraps up with the newly re-named pillar 4 settlement processes which has recently undergone a new focus on the consumer experience.  The last section, part three, which is only one-half hour, finishes the series, reviews pillar 2 escrow and trust accounting and pillar 7 resolving consumer complaints as well as a look at resources and a review.

This webinar is approved for 2.5 general, 1.0 ethics and 2.5 real estate certification credits with The Florida Bar and 1.5 substantive and 1.0 ethics hours of continuing education with NALA. 

This seminar meets the requirements of the NALA certifying Board for continuing legal education credit required to maintain the CP (Certified Paralegal) credential.

The Florida Bar accreditation for this seminar will expire on August 31, 2025 and access to this seminar will not be available after that date.


Total $65.00

Legal Education

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Toll-Free: 1-888-407-7775 EducationRegistrar@thefund.com