Fund News and Alerts
CFREAC Donates 2700 Toys to Toys for Tots
On December 3, the Central Florida Real Estate Attorneys’ Council (CFREAC) presented the U.S. Marine Corps with 2700 toys.
04/10/2023 -
Florida ARECS Leadership Guide
Becoming a leader of a Real Estate Council can be filled with challenges but there is a way to make it a lot easier. Get your copy of the Florida ARECS Leadership Guide! This handy reference outlines important topics like governance, taxes and leadership structure. It offers samples of documents including By-laws, Membership Drive Letter, and a New Member Welcome Letter. The Leadership Guide provides suggestions for programming and can connect you to other REC leaders from across the state so you can reach out to others who know what it’s like to lead a REC.
04/10/2023 -
Florida ARECS Resource Center
We often focus on all the great events and networking opportunities offered by the RECS, but there are other benefits, and one of the most significant is the Florida ARECS Resource Center. The Resource Center is located at and is full of valuable tools including:
04/10/2023 -
Florida ARECS Sets Agenda for 2019
By Patricia A. Nugent, President, Florida ARECS
This past August I was honored to be elected President of the Attorneys’ Real Estate Councils of Florida, Inc. (“Florida ARECS”). I am a strong proponent of the Real Estate Councils and how they can be a vehicle for promoting the use of real estate attorneys in real estate transactions.
04/10/2023 -
Florida ARECS Works to Enhance Attorney/Realtor® Relations
One of Florida ARECS’ most important strategic priorities is to promote the value of using a real estate attorney in real estate transactions to Realtors®. Since our inception in 2014 we have supported dozens of events to fulfill this objective including:
04/10/2023 -
Florida ARECS: Bringing Members & Realtors® Together
Florida ARECS and The Fund are always ready to support our Real Estate Councils and their efforts to build relationships with their local Realtor® Associations.
04/10/2023 -
Florida Realtor® & Attorney Joint Committee
We would also like to take this opportunity to recognize REC member attorneys who have been appointed to the Florida Realtor®-Attorney Joint Committee. The Florida Realtor®-Attorney Joint Committee was formed in the early 1970's by the Joint Accord entered into between The Florida Bar and the Florida Association of Realtors®, to fulfill several purposes:
04/10/2023 -
Florida Realtors® Legal News Advertising Campaign
Late last year The Fund took another step in its support of Florida ARECS by launching an advertising campaign in the Florida Realtors’ Legal News, a bi-weekly email newsletter that reaches over 105,000 Florida Realtor® members.
04/10/2023 -
Florida Realtors® Marketing Opportunities for RECs
Florida ARECS continues to work with Florida Realtors® to build awareness of the RECs and the value their attorney members bring to real estate transactions. So we are pleased to offer two new opportunities for REC member attorneys to promote themselves and their RECs.
04/10/2023 -
Focus on Buyers and Sellers Directly
We spend a considerable amount of time and effort in developing tools for REC Members to use in reaching out to Realtors®, however, we have not forgotten about the Consumer. Today’s digital world offers you a wide variety of opportunities to communicate with Buyers and Sellers directly. Here are a few of our most popular options that you can use to market your practice in person, using your website, an email drip campaign, print media and/or social media.
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