Fund News and Alerts
Stopping Cyber Fraud
Tens of billions of dollars have been lost since 2015 due to Business Email Compromise.07/17/2023 -
The Good, the Bad & The Ugly: Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Financing
PACE financing agreements are used to make energy efficiency and hurricane hardening improvements to commercial and residential properties.07/17/2023 -
Understanding and Using the FR/BAR Residential Contract
This 3-hour FREC-accredited program provides a comprehensive review of the contract at the heart of what licensees do every day.07/17/2023 -
Understanding Florida’s New Condo Safety Laws
In response to the deadly Champlain Towers South collapse, Florida has enacted new laws designed to protect against similar tragedies, with consequential obligations imposed on condo associations.07/17/2023 -
What is Title Insurance and How Does it Protect Your Client
This 1-hour program explains the details of title insurance so real estate agents can be prepared to fully explain it to their clients.07/17/2023 -
Latest REC News - July & August 2023
The Polk Area Real Estate Council welcomed Manuel Farach on May 4th to present his Annual Real Estate & Business Case Law Update at Yard on Mass, a beer garden located in downtown Lakeland.
07/10/2023 -
ALERT! IRS Form 1099-S Filers Beware
All IRS Form 1099-S filers beware! Obstacles lie ahead for both electronic and paper form submitters.
07/06/2023 -
New Trust on The Block: Community Property Trust Act
Effective July 1, 2021, the Florida Legislature passed the Community Property Trust Act as Ch. 736, Part XV, F.S., (the Act). Prior to the Act, Florida was a pure “common law property” state, meaning that the way title was held determined who owned the property. In community property states, “community property” means that the assets acquired during the marriage are owned by each spouse equally, regardless of how title is held. The Community Property Trust Act gives people the option of holding assets in Florida as “community property” by transferring them to a community property trust.
Displaying results 61-70 (of 617)