Fund News and Alerts

New ALTA 2021 Commitment, Policies & Endorsements are Here!

New ALTA 2021 Commitment, Policies & Endorsements are Here!

The Fund is pleased to announce that the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation has approved the ALTA 2021 Commitment, Policies, and fifteen new or amended endorsements (the 2021 Forms) for use in the State of Florida effective October 3, 2022. The 2021 Forms are the next generation of insuring forms. Read the article


ALTA 2021 Forms Update

ALTA 2021 Forms Update

Read the Concept Article, Stay Tuned, ALTA 2021 Policy Forms are Coming Soon, for helpful information.


UCC-1: The What, Why, and Where of Financing Statements

UCC-1: The What, Why, and Where of Financing Statements

Commercial mortgages are rarely recorded without a corresponding UCC-1 financing statement (UCC-1). In addition to the real property, commercial lenders often require additional collateral as consideration for making the loan. A UCC-1 is required to establish the lender as a secured party and perfect the lender’s security interest in that other collateral. Perfection establishes the order of priority of claims of multiple creditors with a secured interest in the same collateral; i.e., who gets paid first in the event that the borrower defaults and there is a forced sale of the collateral.  Read the article


ALTA 2021 Forms Coming Soon!

ALTA 2021 Forms Coming Soon!

The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR) has approved the 2021 American Land Title Association (ALTA) forms for use in Florida.  

The new forms (including a new Commitment, Loan and Owner’s Policies, Short Form Residential Loan Policy and Endorsements) will be available soon. OIR has approved use of the new ALTA 2021 Policy forms in October. 

Important: You will be required to use the new ALTA 2021 forms after a short transition period.


Title Now Podcast: Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and Real Estate Trans...

Title Now Podcast: Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and Real Estate Transactions

A new episode of Title Now is now available! Tune in to learn about the roles cryptocurrency and blockchain play in the world of real estate transactions.  Find out about the risks, advantages, and how this may affect YOU in your practice. 

Listen In: Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts or Online


Contending with Memorandums of Interest

Contending with Memorandums of Interest

The Fund has noticed an increase in the number of recorded instruments titled “Memorandum of Interest” or words of similar import (the Memo) affecting real property throughout the state. The Memo typically refers to a Homeowner Benefit Agreement (Agreement) and is recorded in the public records to memorialize the Agreement and give notice of its specific terms. Such Agreements can affect real property in numerous ways and are often purported to be in effect for lengthy terms – decades in many instances. This article explains the Agreements, and their impact on owners’ and purchasers’ title to real property. In addition, this article identifies insuring concerns, and discusses approaches for obtaining satisfactions and releases from said Agreements. Note should be taken that specific Agreement terms may vary and examples discussed here are for illustrative purposes only. Read the article 08/01/2022

FREE On-Demand Webinar: Avoiding Mortgage Payoff Fraud

FREE On-Demand Webinar: Avoiding Mortgage Payoff Fraud

Real estate practitioners face pronounced dangers due to cybercrime. Learn the nature and type of cybercrimes affecting Florida real estate closings; why mortgage payoff fraud is more pernicious than other types of cybercrimes, and steps the frontline practitioner can take to help reduce today’s threat vectors, including the implementation of new technologies, and the role of insurance. Watch Now


Title Now Podcast: Homeowner Benefit Agreements

Title Now Podcast: Homeowner Benefit Agreements

A new episode of Title Now is now available! Tune in to learn about a new title issue appearing in title searches.  These Agreements obligate an owner to pay a real estate commission, contain covenants running with the land, and potentially create a lien against the property that could be adverse to a buyer.  Don’t be caught off guard if one of these appears in your title search. 


Avoiding Fraudulent Transactions: A Guide For Fund Members

Avoiding Fraudulent Transactions: A Guide For Fund Members

The Florida real estate market has been very active for the last two years, spurred on by low interest rates on mortgages and a large influx of people relocating to the state. Unfortunately, with increasing land values and sales volume, it was inevitable that criminals have once again taken note of Florida’s prosperity and are attempting to steal as much as they can through fraudulent transactions. 

Read the article


Stay Tuned, ALTA 2021 Policy Forms are Coming Soon

Stay Tuned, ALTA 2021 Policy Forms are Coming Soon

After many years of work and deliberation, on July 30, 2021, the American Land Title Association published new policy forms and endorsements with an effective date of July 1, 2021. The 2021 ALTA forms include a new Commitment, Loan Policy, Owner’s Policy, Short Form Loan Policy, and some of the endorsements. The 2021 ALTA forms have been submitted for review and approval with the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR). Approval of the new forms for use in Florida is anticipated sometime in the coming months. Read article


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