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This one-day training class is designed to show novice ATIDS users how to successfully complete a real property search. A two-day course is available upon request and includes additional practice sessions.

ATIDS II Advanced

For those who have attended ATIDS I, this one-day training class teaches you how to use the system for more complex searching techniques. The class also includes additional information on mapping, phase-type condos, and problem-solving transactions.

Please call (888) 407-7775 for schedule information or to register for a class.

ATIDS On-Demand

  • ATIDS XE Overview - Watch Now

    ATIDS XE is the “next generation” alternative to Web ATIDS. This video provides and demonstrates an overview of the features and benefits of ATIDS XE.  ATIDS XE Workbook WebATIDS Workbook

  • Branch Product Search and Status - Watch Now

    The second training video in this series reviews how to efficiently search and locate a branch product order. Learn how to easily check the status of a branch product order. Also provided in this presentation is a detailed review of all status definitions.  ATIDS XE Workbook WebATIDS Workbook

  • Commercial Name Variation - Watch Now

    There may be other variations of a commercial name. Not only is it a requirement to search for the commercial name, but for any variations of that commercial name. In this short video, learn how ATIDS supports searches for name variations of a commercial name/entity.  ATIDS XE Workbook WebATIDS Workbook

  • Document Posting Information (LKUP) - Watch Now

    Need help with what to enter in ATIDS for a legal description to run a property search? If you have recording information on a document that includes the legal description, this video will demonstrate the support transaction that will provide you with the posting information you will need to run the property search.  ATIDS XE Workbook WebATIDS Workbook