Resources > NAR Settlement - Broker Compensation Resources

Broker Compensation Resources

The National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) settlement prompted significant changes that have impacted the entire real estate industry. Use these resources to help you navigate the changes and ultimately grow your business.

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Review when and how to use the forms. Start presenting to your agent and broker referral sources using our presentations. Download the Florida Realtor forms and a handy checklist to match Florida forms to contract structure too! 

  • Broker Compensation Rules Overview - Get Started!

    Shannon Widman, Deputy General Counsel with The Fund, discusses the new changes brought on by the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) settlement. The settlement requires real estate professionals to adapt their closing practice to the new changes, such as no longer advertising offers of compensation through the MLS and the requirement of written buyer agreements. These agreements must contain required disclosures, such as brokers' commissions being fully negotiable and the maximum compensation amount to be paid to the buyer's broker. The FR/Bar Joint Committee has worked to develop these new forms, which have been available for a few months. However, there is still confusion on which forms to use and when. This video discusses an overview of the settlement, why it requires us to use new forms, and what exactly those forms are. Forms & Checklist BBA – Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement Florida Realtors® Rev. 7/24 (EBBA-7tb) LA – Exclusive Right of Sale Listing Agreement Florida Realtors® Rev. 7/24 (ERS-20tb) Contract – Residential Contract for Sale and Purchase (or As-Is) FR/Bar Rev. 8/24 FF – Credit Related to Buyer’s Broker Compensation FR/Bar Rev. 8/24 (CR-6 FF) GG – Seller’s Agreement with Respect to Buyer’s Broker Compensation FR/Bar Rev. 8/24 (CR-6 GG) CABB – Compensation Agreement - Seller's Broker to Buyer's Broker (CABB-1) CASB – Compensation Agreement - Seller to Buyer's Broker (CASB-1) Download this checklist to use as a quick reference and match Florida forms to use cases.   PowerPoint Presentation Download and present to your agent and broker referral contacts. Brand with your firm's information!  

  • Seller’s Broker Pays Buyer’s Broker - Get Started!

    Shannon Widman, Deputy General Counsel with The Fund, discusses the Broker-to-Broker payment structure in real estate transactions. The process involves using a Listing Agreement, Buyer Brokerage Agreement, and Contract, along with the Contract Addendum GG and the Compensation Agreement CABB.  Forms & Checklist BBA  – Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement Florida Realtors® Rev. 7/24 (EBBA-7tb) LA – Exclusive Right of Sale Listing Agreement Florida Realtors® Rev. 7/24 (ERS-20tb) Contract – Residential Contract for Sale and Purchase (or As-Is) FR/Bar Rev. 8/24 GG – Seller’s Agreement with Respect to Buyer’s Broker Compensation FR/Bar Rev. 8/24 (CR-6 GG) CABB – Compensation Agreement - Seller's Broker to Buyer's Broker (CABB-1) Download this checklist to use as a quick reference and match Florida forms to use cases. PowerPoint Presentation Download and present to your agent and broker referral contacts. Brand with your firm's information!  

  • Seller Pays Buyer’s Broker - Get Started!

    Shannon Widman, Deputy General Counsel with The Fund, discusses the Seller-to-Buyer's Broker payment structure in real estate transactions. The new forms include a Listing Agreement, Buyer Brokerage Agreement, and Contract, along with the Contract Addendum GG and the Compensation Agreement CASB.  Forms & Checklist BBA – Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement Florida Realtors® Rev. 7/24 (EBBA-7tb) LA – Exclusive Right of Sale Listing Agreement Florida Realtors® Rev. 7/24 (ERS-20tb) Contract – Residential Contract for Sale and Purchase (or As-Is) FR/Bar Rev. 8/24 GG – Seller’s Agreement with Respect to Buyer’s Broker Compensation FR/Bar Rev. 8/24 (CR-6 GG) CASB – Compensation Agreement - Seller to Buyer's Broker (CASB-1) Download this checklist to use as a quick reference and match Florida forms to use cases. PowerPoint Presentation Download and present to your agent and broker referral contacts. Brand with your firm's information!  

  • Seller Concession - Get Started!

    Shannon Widman, Deputy General Counsel with The Fund, discusses structuring negotiations for Seller Concession payment structures using new forms. The new forms include a Listing Agreement, Buyer Brokerage Agreement, and Contract and the Contract Addendum FF. Forms & Checklist BBA - Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement Florida Realtors® Rev. 7/24 (EBBA-7tb) LA - Exclusive Right of Sale Listing Agreement Florida Realtors® Rev. 7/24 (ERS-20tb) Contract - Residential Contract for Sale and Purchase (or As-Is) FR/Bar Rev. 8/24 FF - Credit Related to Buyer’s Broker Compensation FR/Bar Rev. 8/24 (CR-6 FF) Download this checklist to use as a quick reference and match Florida forms to use cases. PowerPoint Presentation Download and present to your agent and broker referral contacts. Brand with your firm's information!  

  • Buyer Pays Buyer’s Broker - Get Started!

    Shannon Widman, Deputy General Counsel with The Fund, discusses structuring negotiations with new forms for buyer payment structures, which are a new practice resulting from the NAR Settlement. Forms & Checklist BBA - Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement Florida Realtors® Rev. 7/24 (EBBA-7tb) LA - Exclusive Right of Sale Listing Agreement Florida Realtors® Rev. 7/24 (ERS-20tb) Contract – Residential Contract for Sale and Purchase (or As-Is) FR/Bar Rev. 8/24 Download this checklist to use as a quick reference and match Florida forms to use cases. PowerPoint Presentation Download and present to your agent and broker referral contacts. Brand with your firm's information!

Zoom with Shannon

If you have questions (and who doesn’t), sign up for one of our FREE 30 min. Q&A Zoom Meetings with Shannon Widman, Fund Deputy General Counsel!

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News & Alerts

NAR Settlement Resources: Step by Step

Need specific resources to help guide your agent and broker referral sources after the NAR Settlement?  You spoke, we listened. Take a deeper dive into the new Realtor© compensation forms and practice changes.

Florida Realtor Forms & NAR Rules: Are Real Estate Agents Thriving? Will You?

Are you interested in how real estate agents are dealing with the new compensation rules?

Fall, Forms & Final Rule

Broker Commission Changes. We are all talking about the changes in how real estate commissions must now be handled as a result of the settlement entered into between NAR and a group of class action plaintiffs. Florida Realtors is working hard to support its Realtor members and has issued several forms that can/should be used to address the requirements of the settlement.

VA Announces Variance to Account for NAR Broker Charge Settlement

On Jun. 11, 2024, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) issued Circular 26-24-14, announcing a “temporary local variance for charges related to real estate broker or agent (buyer-broker) compensation.” The circular is effective as of Aug. 10, 2024, until rescinded.

New Laws & Forms Coming Your Way

Changes in Florida Realtor Forms. As a result of the settlement entered into by the National Association of Realtors, Florida Realtors has begun publishing revised/new forms for use in the industry. Here is a great video pushed out by Florida Realtors that covers 4 of the new forms. More are being issued on July 9 so I'm sure I will have an update soon thereafter.

The NAR Settlement: Changes and Impact

Have questions about the NAR settlement? Buyer representation agreements? MLS changes? How will these changes impact your practice?