General Counsel Blog

  • 02/03/2025

    Beyond Tater Tots: Regs, Rules & Resources

    Hello Members, Welcome to February.  The month of love (Valentine's Day) but lots more.  February 1 was National Tater Tot Day.  Who knew?  February 9 is National Pizza Day, February 12 is National Hug Day and we wrap up the month on February 27 with National Chili Day.  Am I scraping the barrel for things to say?  Fear not.  I have two pretty substantive things to relay.

  • 01/14/2025

    New Forms, Revisions & Resource

    Dear Members, It's been a month since my last blog!  I'm back with several things I think are of interest.  First, how about those Gators (meaning the men's basketball team)!!!  They are fun to watch and root for and I hope they have a great rest of the season.  And March Madness is coming……so prepare yourself to block my emails for those 3 or 4 weeks if you don't want to hear my rants and raves about the tournament….. More important stuff now.

  • 12/26/2024

    Update: FinCEN Now Requiring Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting

    Dear Members, Sorry to bother you in the middle of the holidays but FinCEN has changed its position on compliance with the Corporate Transparency Act.  I indicated a week or so ago that compliance was on hold in light of a Texas court ruling that the law was unconstitutional.

  • 12/12/2024

    A Nice Year-End Present from FinCEN!

    Hello Members, You thought you were done with these blog postings for 2024 but FinCEN has given us a present of sorts to round off the year!  The Corporate Transparency Act, which requires the reporting of Beneficial Owner Information for entities, has been "put on hold" as a result of a court ruling out of Texas. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE GEOGRAPHIC TARGETING ORDERS OR THE NEW FINCEN RULE THAT GOES INTO EFFECT DECEMBER 1, 2025. 

  • 12/04/2024

    Important Reminders: Year End Policy Remittance & DFS Administrative Surcharge

    Hello Members, Jeepers. The year is almost over!  I am confident that I am 100% organized for the holidays and won't forget a single thing!  How about you?  At least we are experiencing some cooler weather but who knows how long that will last.  A few things to remind you about.

  • 11/06/2024

    Low Stress Updates

    Hello Members, There's a lot going on this week so I am keeping this to fairly low stress things.

  • 10/21/2024

    ALTA ONE Highlights, A Commercial Commercial & Renewed GTO

    Hello Members! Fall is here! Enjoying a couple of days here in Orlando that are oddly cool. I've been at the ALTA annual convention (called ALTA ONE), and it has been a great 3-4 days. Even an old cynic like me gets energized and inspired by some of the presentations while simultaneously being overwhelmed by all of the stuff going on in our world. High level points:

  • 10/08/2024

    Justice is Served & 1031 Exchange Deadlines Extended

    Hello Members! Crazy times, eh? Heartbreaking times, really. For those of you in harm's way, please stay safe. Feels sort of weird to be working on blog postings related to real estate closings when there is chaos brewing. Life goes on I guess. Here's some things that might be of interest.

  • 10/04/2024

    New Form & New Rules

    Hello Members! Quick turnaround for this week's blog. Why?

  • 09/30/2024

    New Requirements & Opportunities

    Hello Members! Lots to talk about today. Been traveling too much lately (for work) and am behind on this first reminder.  Apologies!

Displaying results 1-10 (of 243)