A Short & Sweet Update on the Updates
Acronym Updates: DT, RON & ALTA
Dear Members,
Zeroing in on the end of 2019 and I know you are all busy. So I will keep this message short and sweet.
Update on DoubleTime and the new notarial certificates. If you are a DoubleTime user, the release/update containing the new notarial certificates is available and emails will start going out this week. DT users will get an email between now and December 23 alerting them it is time to download and install this release. YOU MUST INSTALL THIS RELEASE BEFORE 1-1-20 SO THAT YOU WILL HAVE THE CORRECT NOTARIAL CERTIFICATE FORMS IN DOUBLETIME. We have to space the process out amongst our DT users so that all 1800 of you don't try to download it all at the same time. So please wait for your turn! If you have any questions about the "why" behind this release, I refer you back to the last two blog entries where I explain in detail what is going on. Here is a link to the website where you can find those blog postings. https://www.thefund.com/member/general-counsel-blog.aspx
RON registration course. Many of you have inquired about the required course for notaries to register as a Remote Online Notary in Florida. The course developed by the Florida Land Title Association and the Real Property, Probate and Trust Law Section is in its final stages of production and will be available soon - perhaps as early as the week of December 23. As soon as I know more, I will let you know.
Updates to ALTA Best Practices. Did you know that ALTA recently announced updates to its Best Practices? A link to its announcement can be found here. These changes go into effect on Jan. 2 and affect Pillar 2 (calling for written wire transfer and wire fraud response procedures to be in place and tested at least annually), Pillar 3 (utilization of multi-factor authentication when handling Non-Public Personal Information and fine-tuning written plans for breaches that compromise the security of NPPI), and Pillar 6 (recommending procurement of cyber liability and crime coverage). The Fund’s website has many links to various ALTA’s Best Practices guides and other resources to help you implement these updates.
All for today. Let me know how we can help you.