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Digital Closings & Remote Online Notarization

A deep dive into the new Florida remote online notarization laws. We examine the qualifications for registering as an online notary, the technology requirements imposed for online notarization, the process of confirming the identity of the principal and witnesses, the duties related to the notarial act of an online notary, the special concerns related to witnessing and certain estate planning documents, and the role of the RON Service Provider.

This webinar is approved for 1.0 general, 1.0 technology and 1.0 real estate certification credit with The Florida Bar and 1 hour of continuing education with NALA. 

This seminar meets the requirements of the NALA certifying Board for continuing legal education credit required to maintain the CP (Certified Paralegal) credential.

The Florida Bar accreditation for this seminar will expire on December 31, 2025 and access to this seminar will not be available after that date.



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