Select Lender List

The most requested of all our Special Data Products is the Select Lender List. This marketing tool will help you to tailor your business calls based on facts rather than speculation, making it invaluable for expanding your client base.
The Select Lender List, which includes residential loans, high-dollar commercial loans, or any number of other business transactions, will help you:

  • Identify a precise listing of all mortgage transactions involving a specified lender in a given county within a given time period.

  • Determine how much business you are doing with an individual lender or your lender clients in general.

  • Enhance your client relationships by providing them with a detailed, time-saving marketing tool.

The following are your data selection options for the Select Lender List, as well as the kind of information this report provides.

Selection Options

  • County(s)
  • Time Frame
  • Minimum/Maximum Mortgage Amount
  • Eliminate mortgages that have been satisfied

Information Provided

  • Buyer/Borrower Name
  • Lender Name
  • Lender Address (when available)
  • Property Address (when available)
  • Date of Filing or Book/Page Number
  • Mortgage Amount
  • Legal Description

Find out about other SDP lists, or contact the Data Marketing Services department.