Title Now This show is about recent changes impacting the Real Estate industry in Florida.

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Live. 30 Minutes. At Noon. Free!

Join The Fund’s General Counsel, Melissa Jay Murphy and special guests for in-depth discussions and engaging conversation on the hottest topics in Florida real estate. Sign up so you don't miss out.

FR/BAR Contract Changes You Need To Know About! -  Register Now
Wednesday, February 19 (12:00 PM - 12:30 PM) EST

Paragraph 9 of the FR/BAR Residential Contract, which addresses closing costs AND CLOSING SERVICES FEES, has been amended. Join General Counsel Melissa Murphy, Deputy General Counsel Shannon Widman, and Underwriting Manager Colleen Sachs to discuss the new provision and how you should implement it in your practice. We will also review the statutory definition of Closing Services Fees. No CLE credit, but, hey, IT’S FREE!!

Send in suggestions on topics or speakers that you would find valuable, by emailing m.murphy@thefund.com.

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