Information Center
Be Cyber Smart!
Protect your information and avoid wire fraud with daily cybersecurity tips, live webinars and more.

Don’t Miss Today’s Live Webinar!
Cyber thieves love vacant land sales. Learn more about this scam and how to spot the red flags of fraud by attending today’s live webinar, The Invisible Seller: Avoiding Vacant Land Fraud, presented by The Fund’s Legal Education Department.

Be Positive!
Ask if your bank offers Positive Pay, a service that compares and verifies the checks you issue to the checks presented for payment against your account.

Cool Gadgets for Digital Security

Cloud Security – What is It?
What is cloud security and why is it important? This article from Norton explains the basics in plain English.

My Email was Hacked!
Read this article discussing how your email gets hacked and what to do to prevent it from happening.

Don’t Miss Today’s Live Webinar
Learn more about ClosingVue’s security features by attending today’s live webinar, Safely Close with ClosingVue, presented by The Fund’s Lucretia Warren.

What’s My Password?
Read this Aug. 2023 article from CNET discussing why you need a password manager – and which are best.

Check Please!
Before wiring funds from your firm, verify the outgoing wire information. ALTA has created a handy Outgoing Wire Preparation Checklist that closing agents should utilize.

No Thanks, I’ll Take Care of That
It’s always best that the issuing agent order and obtain the seller’s mortgage payoff statement. The fewer times it’s emailed, the better.

Signed, Sealed & Delivered
Put your firm’s wire transfer policy in writing and insist that all buyers acknowledge it in writing early in the transaction – well before they’ve wired out their cash to close.

Don’t Miss Today’s Live Webinar
Today’s webinar, Real Property & Fake Sellers, focuses on how to vet the seller’s identity and identify fraudulent sales.

Protect Your Castle!
Your home is your castle. Learn how to protect it. Read this Information Sheet published by the National Security Agency.

Know Who to Call
In the event of an incident, call your bank’s Chief of Security. Don’t know who that is? Find out today!

FLTA’s Cybersecurity Best Practices start with Setup, Train, Obtain and Plan – in essence, STOP. Start stopping.

Take Note
Check out this list of notaries used in recent fraud claims that are BOGUS and you should not accept.

Don’t Miss Today’s Live Webinar
Lisa Plaggemier, Executive Director at the National Cybersecurity Alliance, will join us to present A Whole Lotta BS (Behavioral Science) about Cybersecurity.

Don’t Trust. Verify!
Treat all updated mortgage payoff statements suspiciously. Always call and confirm their veracity. Get the name or employee ID number of the employee you spoke with.

Cool Security Gadgets
Here are three affordable gadgets that will help protect you against hackers.

Watch this Program!
Cybersecurity for the Modern Threat Landscape. This Fund Assembly 2023 session on cyber security and best practices to protect your practice is must-see TV. Available now in The Fund Shop.

In Case of Emergency…
Be prepared! Adopt a plan patterned after ALTA’s Rapid Response Plan for Wire Fraud Incidents.

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