Resources > Florida Attorneys' Real Estate Councils by The Fund > News > Latest REC & Realtor® News - July & August 2024

Latest REC & Realtor® News - July & August 2024

RECs Host Realtor® Roundtables

In late Spring the Attorneys’ Real Estate Council of Palm Beach County and Broward Attorneys’ Real Estate Council hosted Real Estate Round Tables for members of RWorld, the Realtors® of Broward, Palm Beach & St. Lucie.  The events featured ten tables, each focused on a unique topic and hosted by one or two real estate attorneys.  Multiple rounds lasting twenty minutes provided agents the opportunity to sit with an experienced attorney and discuss the issues they cared most about.


NAR Economist Speaks to REC Members

Dr. Jessica Lautz, Deputy Chief Economist and Vice President of Research of the National Association of REALTORS®, joined the Real Estate Council Luncheon for a Q&A with REC members during this year’s Fund Assembly.  
Cynthia Raleigh, The Fund’s Commercial Underwriting Manager, who interviewed Dr. Lautz, focused on just a select list of topics, and then opened the floor to questions from attendees.  One question was, “Which economic data metrics should Fund Members track for their businesses?”  Dr. Lautz did not recommend specific data points, but instead encouraged Members to pick one or two sources and stay with them.  She added that each economist has their own methodology, so if you switch from one to another, you may be comparing apples to oranges.  You can follow Dr. Lautz on the National Association of  REALTORS® website and Facebook where she posts articles like

Become an Approved Florida REALTORS® Faculty Member

Would you like to build relationships with more real estate agents?  Do you enjoy teaching?  Would you like to become a better public speaker? If you answered “yes”, you should consider becoming 
an Approved Florida REALTORS® Faculty Member.  

The process requires attending a 2-day training program entitled, Learning Centered Instructor Workshop, which hones your public speaking skills.  Once approved, you gain access to Florida REALTORS® library of over 100 Realtor® education programs. The vast majority of their programs are taught by lay instructors, so they are encouraging more real estate attorneys to get involved.

Registration for the next Learning Centered Instructor Workshop (LCIW), scheduled for September 23-24, 2024, is now open. You can register at:
