Resources > Digital Closings > Glossary of Terms

Glossary of Terms


A real estate closing in which some or all of the closing documents are signed electronically.

Electronic Signature

The Florida Uniform Electronic Transaction Act (Sec. 668.50, Florida Statutes) (“UETA”) defines Electronic Signature as "an electronic sound, symbol, or process attached to or logically associated with a record and executed or adopted by a person with the intent to sign the record."


This term refers to the notarization of a signature that is performed electronically by the notary and not by “wet signature” of the notary. Current Florida law allows in person eNotarization (iPEN), requires the notary to be in the physical presence of the signer (just as with paper notarization), and that the notary comply with Sec. 117.021, F.S., and Rules 1N-5.001 and 5.002, F.A.C. 

Beginning Jan. 1, 2020 Florida allows remote online notarization (RON) which complies with ch. 117, F.S.  Rules to be promulgated for RON will be published in ch. 1N-7, F.A.C.


An eRecording is the process of electronically preparing, uploading and submitting documents to the clerk for recording through a web-based service or integrated systems. The clerk receives the documents electronically for processing and reviews the documents for accuracy. After review and approval, documents are processed, stamped, officially recorded with the county, and put in the public records.

Hybrid Closing

A Hybrid Closing is a transaction in which some documents are signed electronically and some are signed on paper. Signatures on paper are often referred to as a “wet signature.”

Remote Online Notarization

This is the new buzz in the industry. This allows an eNotarization to be done when the notary and the signer are not in the physical presence of each other. They communicate through audio visual technology.