Be Heard!
SUPPORT Title Insurance
Through Lawyers
YOUR Voice in Tallahassee
Title Insurance Through Lawyers (TITL) is a political committee that supports, educates and builds relationships with candidates, legislators and advocates in Florida.
Thanks to past support from Members like you, we have helped shape important regulations for our industry. Let’s keep the momentum and influence going.
Your support of TITL ensures your voice is heard!
Help us:

Protect our industry.

Keep Florida real property law up to date and relevant.

Make sure regulations align with current business needs.

Donate by Check
Send us a check and your completed support statement.
Make Payable to: “TITL”Title Insurance Through Lawyers6545 Corporate Centre Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32822
Attention: Michiele Velez
The Importance of TITL
Proactive Legislation
TITL works to ensure that proactive industry initiatives are properly ushered through Florida's Legislative process. In recent years, The Fund and the title insurance industry have actively worked on numerous pieces of proactive legislation. Typically, it takes multiple years to pass substantive legislation in Florida.
Defensive Legislation
TITL ensures The Fund's ability to defend against bad policy proposals. The Fund's lobbyists monitor all filed bills to identify issues impacting the title insurance industry. To more closely monitor legislation that may impact the title insurance industry, our lobbyists create a limited list of bills that touch issues important to The Fund.
TITL funds help elect candidates and build relationships with industry advocates elected to the Florida House and Senate and other statewide offices. These relationships increase the impact of our advocacy efforts.