Fund News and Alerts > Fund News > Take a Little Vacation – Insuring Vacated Platted Streets

Take a Little Vacation – Insuring Vacated Platted Streets

Vacation is not a word often associated with title. Vacation is typically an eagerly awaited plan or the subject of daydreams. When insuring title, however, vacation takes on a whole different meaning. “Vacation” of a platted street or alley means that the public’s interest in a property is being eliminated or “vacated.” This article will discuss what interests are created in the streets and alleys by virtue of the platting process, and once a street or an alley (hereinafter referred to as “street”) is vacated, who owns that vacated land, in what proportion, and the steps for insuring. 

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Also Included In This Month's Issue: 

  • Case Reviews
  • Supreme Court Revives CTA; BOI Reporting
  • Loan Alternative Agreements
  • Compliance Corner
  • Title Now With Melissa Murphy
  • The Spotlight on Education - Form 1099-S Filing
  • FinCEN GTO

Written by attorneys for attorneys. 

Stay current on the latest developments in real estate law and the title industry.

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