General Counsel Blog

General Counsel Blog

Reminders, Renewals & a Special Remembrance

Dear Members,As we begin to wind down the year, your thoughts might be turning to turkey, footbal...


General Counsel Blog

Post-Hurricane, ALTA 2021 Forms & RON Resources

Dear Members,So many of you are in difficult, if not heartbreaking, situations as a result of Hur...


General Counsel Blog

2021 ALTA Forms & New Requirements

Dear Members,In the wake of Hurricane Ian, our thoughts are with those who have been affected by ...


General Counsel Blog

Estoppel Fee Increase, New 2021 ALTA Forms & Vacant Lot Scams

Sorry that time got the better of me and it has been awhile since I reached out to you. So let's get to it! Here are some things that might ...


General Counsel Blog

College Football, Cryptocurrency & Caution: Fake Notaries

Dear Members,Summer is winding down and our thoughts turn to back-to-school routines and…....


General Counsel Blog

Free “Plague” Video, FIRE Update & Additional Resources

Dear Members,Mortgage payoff fraud (and fraud generally) continue to plague our industry!  I...


General Counsel Blog

Important Update on Memoranda of Homeowner Benefit Agreement

Dear Members,Another short and sweet blog posting to bring something important and new to your attention.


General Counsel Blog

Let’s Change the Laws: Take this Brief Estoppel Survey

Dear Members,Estoppel reform? 2023 might be "the year" for us to try and get some changes made to the HO...


General Counsel Blog

Wire Fraud & Fraudulent Mortgage Payoffs - Our Newest Pandemic!

Dear Members,This is a special, one issue message.  Wire fraud involvi...


General Counsel Blog

Alert, Acceptance Approval & Attorney Appointments

Dear Members,It's May.  All kinds of stuff going on.  Graduations.  Mother'...


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