Fund Commercial Training
Designed with You in Mind
Whether you're a seasoned attorney interested in expanding, or a new-to-practice attorney looking to specialize, the Fund Commercial Training is for you.
This in-depth 3-day course walks Fund Member attorneys and staff through aspects of a Commercial Real Estate transaction, from pre-contract to closing. Earn CLE credits while adding new capabilities to your practice.
Fund Commercial Training Dates
Classes are held live online using Zoom and a webcam and microphone are recommended. No recorded option is available. Materials are shipped in advance and are not available electronically. The schedule runs from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. each day with a 1 to 2-hour break between the morning and afternoon sessions. Attendance is limited to attorneys and staff employed by active Fund Member firms. To register, please enter your name and email address on the interest form included on this page. Upon receipt and acceptance, you will be provided with a secure link to submit payment of the registration fee. Registrations will be confirmed through email once payment is received.
Fund Commercial Training is approved for 18.0 General and 2.5 Ethics credits with The Florida Bar and 18.0 Real Estate or Business Litigation certification credits.
The course is geared toward Members new to commercial transactions and those seeking to expand their residential practices into the commercial sphere. Fund Commercial Training is presented by The Fund’s Legal Education Department in association with Fund Commercial Underwriting Attorneys. Classes are on a basic to intermediate level.
You'll learn more about:
Letters of Intent
Commercial Real Estate Contracts
Attorney Opinion Letters
Due Diligence in Commercial Transactions
Zoning & Basic Land Use Issues
Space Leasing: The Basics
Air & Sub-Surface Rights
Florida’s Construction Lien Law
Ground Leasing & Insuring Leaseholds
Title Endorsements in Commercial Transactions
Title Objections & the Commercial Title Commitment
Intro to Escrow Operations & Fund Commercial Services
Commercial Loan Documents
1031 Exchange Basics
The Commercial Settlement Statement & Closing the Transaction
Interested in the Next Class?
Fill out the form to receive registration information.
“Extremely pleased. 10’s across the board …”
- Richard B., Aventura
"The Fund Commercial Training was great! The information provided was on point, the instructors were knowledgeable, and the topics were applicable to the industry as it is today. This is why I am a Member of The Fund!"
- Erin P., Orlando
“Fund Commercial Training is clear, concise, practical and enjoyably interactive with real life case studies. Highly recommended.”
- David M., Miami