New Realtor® Orientation Materials Updated
We are pleased to announce that the materials used in the New Realtor® Orientations in Southeast Florida have been updated for 2024 to include sections on new laws governing condominiums and conveyances to certain foreign principals. These materials are intended to be a basic introduction to the legal and regulatory framework of real estate transactions.
More good news is that you do NOT have to be a presenter at these New Realtor® Orientations to access the materials. All REC members are welcome to leverage the handouts for their own presentations to agents. They are well-suited for those events where a comprehensive program is not feasible, like weekly Realtor® marketing meetings.
- Legal and Regulatory Overview
- Outlines Seller Disclosures, Fair Housing and all the major acronyms including RESPA, TRID, FIRPTA, FinCEN and UPL.
- FR/BAR Contract: Quick Tips
- Highlights the most important features of the contract, including Effective Date, Timelines & Deadlines, and the Financing Contingency.
- New areas introduce the updated Condominium Rider and Notice impacting certain foreign principals.
We wish you a successful and rewarding 2024! If you would like to obtain these resources, please contact the REC Relations Manager at